Thursday, November 01, 2018

Bat Mitzvah Girl

Dear Stella, Last Saturday was your bat mitzvah. I haven't updated here in ages but I am feeling compelled to now because I feel like the whole bat mitzvah was a dream and I want to try to preserve whatever memories of it I have before the pictures come back from the photographer and get mixed in to my actual memories. The night before we stayed over at the Eventi Hotel. Getting there was quite an ordeal - we had a lot to bring (including Linda) and it was pretty hectic. We went for manicures and pedicures first with the dog and all our luggage and it was pretty crazy and a bit stressful. We were meeting Dad and Grandpa at a really nice Korean restaurant near the hotel and Grandma was going to meet us at the hotel to help us get upstairs (thankfully! We really needed her!). On the way to the hotel you told me that you didn't have anything for your Halloween costume and you were really upset and I got mad at you since I'd asked you about that many times and you said you were all set and it was definitely not something I could think about before the bat mitzvah was over at which point it would be too late. Anyway, needless to say we were thirty minutes late to the restaurant and super hungry when we got there. We had a lovely dinner and then went back to the hotel and got to sleep reasonably early knowing what an exciting day we had ahead. It was fun to stay overnight because we got to have hotel breakfast in the morning. It definitely wasn't the best hotel buffet we've ever had (not even close!) but it was still nice since we are big fans of hotel breakfast! Our hairdresser arrived at 12 but we were on an emergency deodorant run to Duane Reade. When we got back to the hotel, you hopped in the shower and I got my hair done. At 1pm Vivian's hair person arrived while your hair was being done. We had quite the little beauty salon going. We were able to move into a big suite at around 1:30 and it was so super nice. A huge living room and several king sized bedrooms where you and your camp friends were going to be able to stay. I kept thinking back to how before you camp you said you were not inviting any camp people to your bat mitzvah and now here we were getting ready for a sleepover with so many of them. You and I went downstairs to check in to the suite and you ran into your camp friends and were so incredibly excited to see them. It was really a nice thing for a mom to see. You asked me if you could go off with them and, of course, the answer was yes! But just make sure you are back by 3pm so you could get your makeup done. I did my makeup with Mauricio who I absolutely love. He is the first person I have ever used for makeup where I truly love the way I look - as though I did it myself only really well. When I was finished you were not back yet so Vivian got a little bit of makeup put on -- some sparkly eye shadow and a tiny bit of lip gloss. And then you finally showed up (a bit later than expected but it was your bat mitzvah day so I tried not to be mad). You got your makeup done and were so happy with how you looked as you should have been. You are really a beauty! We got dressed and made our way downstairs around 4:10 in order to meet up with Joel and Abby and get photos taken. Everything was kind of a whirlwind then. Steven got to practice lifting the Torah, Grandma Roz showed up, we did a handful of family photos. You were super nervous, people started arriving, we were trying to get some pictures in. Hopefully we got some good ones but I have no idea! At around 5:10, when most of the people had arrived, the service began. You were absolutely glowing onstage. Looking at you truly took my breath away. And you did a phenomenal job at your service -- every prayer and song so beautifully sung. You were magnificent. Joel also did a great job and the service felt personal and warm and lovely, exactly what we were hoping for. Vivian was extremely nervous about doing the Prayer for Peace and I offered to do it for her or with her but she ultimately came through, of course. I was quite nervous about my speech as well but I managed to get through it pretty much without crying. I hope that I was able to convey to you how much I absolutely love being your mom, how much I treasure the experiences we share together and what a really special person I think you are. And that is not just because I am your mom. It is because you are uniquely big-hearted and fun and compassionate and interesting and interested and enthusiastic and smart and perfect. When the service ended, we ran off to find your jumpsuit so you could change. We couldn't find Nancy at first and didn't know where she had put it but we eventually found her and found an empty bathroom stall. You were in a big hurry and I was not the person you wanted to be with so the second your jumpsuit was on, you ran off and I put your dress and shoes in the bag and returned to the cocktail area. And I really didn't see too much of you for the rest of the night. During cocktails I talked to a lot of people but I never even made it to the other side of the bar. I didn't see the sushi station or much of what was going on the room. It's so strange, like a blur. But I talked to a lot of my friends and family and everyone went on and on about what a wonderful job you did. Uncle Dov really praised your Hebrew and said "she knows her stuff" which was the ultimate compliment. People asked where we found Joel and commented that it was one of the nicest services they had ever witnessed. I did try a few of the passed hors d'oeuvres which were yummy and got to give Grandma Roz a bunch of kisses. It was so nice that she was able to be there! I only took one photo in the photo booth during cocktails but I was happy to see that the lighting was good because I know that was something you really cared about. Towards the end of cocktails, kids were called into the main room to make speeches and I went because I wanted to hear all the wonderful things your friends had to say to you. There was a huge line of kids who wanted to talk which was very nice. I couldn't hear a lot but I loved watching you on the stage listening to your friends shower you with love and praise. And then finally it was time to start the party. The MC and DJ were so good and everyone was dancing and it was super fun. The night is kind of a blur to me. I sat for a little while, tried to walk around and talk to most people, danced, took some pictures in the photo booth, hung out with Vivian a little. Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time -- especially you. The hora was a lot of fun. Your huge smiles throughout the night made me so happy. You are loved and poised and I think you felt like everything went just as you hoped it would. The montage was a big hit and I was really proud of it after all the work we put into it! It was worth every second. When the night was over I was exhausted and my feet hurt but I was absolutely elated. All your camp friends came up to the hotel room and there were enough beds for everyone which was a real relief. You guys stayed up pretty late and I think you had a great time. Dad and I ended up ordering your Halloween stuff when we got back to the room post-party. We are pretty good parents. I am so proud of you. You worked really hard getting ready for your bat mitzvah and I know that the process has given you a deep connection to your Judaism which I am happy about. I love you so much and it is really fun to be your mom. Love, Me

Friday, February 10, 2017

Eeeek! Big day! Out of a job!

For awhile now baby Stella has been asking to self-dismiss and take herself home from school. Although I knew she was ready to do it and certainly capable enough, I was holding out because picking up from school is one of the greatest things in a mom's life. This mom anyway. But alas, I could only hold out for so long. In spite of the fact that she does not yet have a cell phone, today is the day. We had agreed she would do it yesterday but then, much to my relief, it was a snow day. But sure enough last night and again this morning she pleaded and I relented. Of course. How could I not? So now I am sitting home picturing my little girl leaving school herself, walking to the bus stop and riding down Columbus Avenue. She told me I was not allowed to worry until 3:30 and it's only 2:50 now. To be honest, I'm actually very excited for her and this newfound independence and self-reliance. She is a great and responsible kid. I hope she is having a great time right now feeling exhilarated and free.

Monday, October 26, 2015

My little fashionista

Vivian loves to tell people that she is "fashiony" and she does, indeed, have pretty great style. She definitely has a passion for it and favors fashion over comfort. Exhibit A would be last Halloween when, despite freezing temperatures, she refused to put on a jacket or sweater because it would ruin her costume. We trick or treated until her lips turned blue and then went home. All the while I carried around her coat and sweater.

Since she was around 3 1/2, she has longed for glasses, braces and brown curly hair. Two out of three of those are hard to come by. But for about two months in the Red Room she frequently wore glasses everyday. The teachers let her keep them on all day because they said they really did not get in her way. However, when she decided to wear them to Trinity recently, I told her I did not think she would be allowed to keep them on. Imagine my surprise as I was conducting a tour and walked into the gym and saw her running around with the glasses still on. Apparently I was wrong. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Leather skirt

Vivian and Stella just came down from the roof where they were playing for a bit. Viv was wearing a new leather skirt and cat sweater she bought with Grandma Helaine yesterday.

Vivian told me that Stella was playing with the hose but she told her she didn't want to get wet because "water doesn't go well with leather." I'm not sure how she knows these things. When I asked her how she knew that she told me that she just knows and it also doesn't go well with wool. 

Friday, May 29, 2015

It's a Magical World

It is, indeed, a magical world being the mom of these two beautiful daughters. But today is about one in particular who I am so proud of I could just burst. Today was the long awaited day when the Third Grade sang Stella's song in chapel and Stella made an introductory speech in which she dedicated the song to Ms. Pressman. I was so nervous my hands were sweating and I could barely breathe even though I knew my girl was going to do an amazing job. She had worked so hard preparing her speech and the Third Grade had been learning and practicing the song for a long time. Finally after a pretty lengthy chapel, Ms. Jenkins introduced the grade and Stella in particular. Stella approached the microphone and delivered her speech with such poise and confidence. She smiled, spoke slowly, looked up and just seemed so relaxed. The class sang the song and got a standing ovation. It was one of the proudest moments of my life. Afterwards, Ms. Pressman made a thank you speech and she specifically thanked Stella and the Third Grade and mentioned how she loved the word 'magical' (a word that figures prominently in the song). There are no words to describe how happy and impressed I was. Stella worked hard. Practiced her speech frequently and pulled it off seemingly effortlessly. Following chapel, so many parents came up to compliment her. And she was gracious and appreciative. Seeing my daughter so proud of herself was an experience I will never ever forget and will always cherish. Also I was proud that Vivian was so accommodating as we needed Ranny to come early this morning to take her to school so I would definitely be on time. Vivian couldn't come to chapel, unfortunately, because there was a performance of the Rainbow Fish play for the caregivers. Vivian was totally fine with the setup and understanding of the need for me to be at chapel for Stella. Grandma and Grandpa also came, of course. In fact, in the taxi on the way to school (at around 8:15am) I got a text from Grandma saying they were already in chapel and saving seats. Only thirty minutes early! But that is how enthusiastic we all were. Congratulations Stella!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Shabbat Shalom

Today is Vivian's Red Room Shabbat and our last Shabbat at the Y. She has been asking for months about when it was going to be her turn and, at last, the day is here. 

We made Rice Krispie treats last night and, at first, Vivian wanted to do it all herself but she eventually, and with much pride, decided that Stella could help too.
You will observe from the clock on the wall that we were a little bit late on the whole bedtime thing. Nevertheless, it was so much fun baking together. I always think it's kind of worth staying up too late for a good time. Though no one (except me) woke up this morning until 7:45 and we had to have breakfast on the go.

After much deliberation, Vivian decided to read "Priscilla and the Pink Planet" which ended up being a perfect choice because there are three clear parts -- I am the Natrator, Vivian is Priscilla and Daddy is the Queen. Because Vivian is already such a strong reader, it's great that she has a fairly substantial part. We did rehearse it at home quite a bit. Last night Stella played The Queen and we went over it a lot of times. I'm feeling confident and super excited!

For Show and Tell, Viv decided to bring Monkey and Spot and Monkey and Spot and to tell the story of how she got Monkey when she was born and had slept with her every night of her life until she lost her (and Spot) in the Juice Press. And then eventually, happily, found them again. 

After Shabbat we have Viv's classroom visit to Trinity. So it is a big, exciting day. 

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Egg Drop

I'm in an Uber racing from Stella's egg drop to Vivian's ballet recital. The egg drop was really fun. I asked Stella's science teacher if Stella's group could go first so I could see at least half of Viv's ballet as well and she kindly accommodated me. 

The Third Graders were so enthusiastic and adorable. Stella was the Carrier-Dropper and her group's result was "wet success" meaning the egg broke. Nevertheless, it was a really happy fun experience and I'm feeling a lot of love for Trinity right now.